Brussels - Kortenberglaan
Location: Brussels
Destination: Office space
In 2008, Groep Bouwen acquired the former headquarters of the Belgische Federatie van Beenhouwers en Spekslagers on the corner of Kortenberglaan en Veronesestraat, close to Schumannplein and the European institutions. Architects Jaspers-Eyers drew up a six-story office building with a total gross floor area of 1,400 m², which was built between 2009 and 2010 by contractor Amart.
The building has now been leased, under long-term agreements, to triple-A tenants, such as Algemeine Bund Deutsche Apotheker, FESE-Federation of Securities Exchanges, AEPO-Artis, and Nasdaq.
Groep Bouwen recently concluded new contracts, adding Select HR and TUI Belgium to its list of tenants.