
Londerzeel - Stone

Location: Londerzeel
Destination: SME zone

The stone processing company and showroom of Stone have for several decades been located along the A12 in Londerzeel. At the end of 2015, Groep Bouwen acquired these plots, and engaged Sebastian Mortelmans Architecten from Antwerp for the development of the project. The first volume study showed a capacity of 18,000 m² of large-scale retail along the A12, and 13,000 m² of SME buildings behind it. The first construction strip with a depth of 50 meter along the A12 would be reserved for large-scale retail related to construction (kitchen, sanitary, doors, garden centre, DIY,…). The area behind it is designed as an SME area, similar to the projects in Mechelen-Zuid, Kontich and Merksem.